Your Shirt’s Supply Chain


US Conventional Cotton [Fiber]
100% of the cotton in this supply chain is grown and ginned in the USA. In addition to the beneficial economic impact of buying from our neighbors, US cotton cultivation also adheres to cutting edge sustainability standards that rival any in the rest of the developed world.
From no-till planting to reduced water consumption and increased land use efficiency, US cotton growers are consistently raising the bar of responsible farming practices. You can learn more about US cotton sustainability efforts, along with their 10-year improvement plan, here.
In addition, the USDA keeps a careful watch on cotton growers and gins, and tests every bale of cotton to certify an accurate measurement of tha bale's quality characteristics, guaranteeing a consistent product from bale-to-bale.

Parkdale [Spinning]
Parkdale is one of the largest yarn spinners in the world, and the largest consumer of cotton in the US. Headquartered in Gastonia since 1916, they continue to invest in primarly American manufacturing, and use only US-grown cotton in their American-based spinning mills.
Contact: Andy Long
Email: andy.long@parkdalemills.com
Phone: (704) 874-5116
Website: www.parkdalemills.com
531 Cotton Blossom Circle
Gastonia, NC 28054

Contempora Fabrics [Knitting]
Founded in 1972, Contempora Fabrics is an employee owned circular knit company based in Lumberton, NC. Starting as a contract knitter, Contempora has evolved into one of the premier knit fabric manufacturers in the US. With over 200 machines and a capacity of 2 million pounds per month, Contempora has continued to expand to meet the needs of our customers.
Contact: Alex Whitley
Email: awhitley@contemporafabrics.com
Phone: (910) 738-7131 ext 210
Website: contemporafabrics.com
Contempora Fabrics
351 Contempora Drive
Lumberton, NC 28358

South Fork [Fabric Finisher]
South Fork Industries has been doing commission dyeing and finishing for more than 20 years. Since beginning production in 1988, South Fork Industries has been known as an industry leader in quality work and integrity.
Contact: Everette Owens
Email: everette@southforkind.com
Phone: (828) 428-9921
Website: southforkind.com
South Fork
100 West Pine Street PO Box 740
Maiden, NC 28650
Eagle Sportswear [Cut & Sew]
Eagle Sportswear provides private label sportswear.
Contact: William Lucas
Email: wlucas@eaglesportswear.com
Phone: (252) 235-4082
Eagle Sportswear
10447 S. Nash Street
Middlesex, NC 27557

TS Designs [Print, Garment Dye, Ship]
TS Designs started off printing t-shirts over 40 years ago, and when NAFTA was ratified in 1994, they started down the path to make the highest quality, most sustainable printed t-shirts in a transparent and equitable domestic apparel supply chain. The first brand they launched was Cotton of the Carolinas in 2008, as they described going “dirt to shirt” in less than 500 miles. This was the brand which also launched their first t-shirt tracking system using contrasting color threads in the hem and sleeve, found here on whereyourclothing.com.
Contact: Eric Henry
Email: eric@tsdesigns.com
Phone: (336) 675-6266
Website: tsdesigns.com
TS Designs
2053 Willow Springs Ln
Burlington, NC 27215

Circ [Recycle]
Contact: Taylor Greene
Email: taylor@circ.earth
Phone: (434) 793-9100
Website: www.circ.earth
300 Ringgold Industrial Pkwy
Danville, VA 24540